Welcome to the Newport Hills Community Association website.
You can find all the documents and updated information here.
Over the last few years, the Newport Hills Community Association has been operating in accordance with the Architectural Guidelines and Standards adopted May 1, 2022, and the Clubhouse Rental Guidelines and Fee Schedule adopted November 1, 2023. The Guidelines and Standards have proved to be a very effective Guideline for the neighborhood. In an effort to clarify and modify a few remaining items in the guidelines and to adjust clubhouse fees the Board of Directors and Architectural Committee propose to amend the Architectural Guidelines and Clubhouse Rental Fees.
California Civil Code requires the Board of Directors to give association members twenty eight (28) days’ notice of any proposed rule change they are considering so that members may offer comments and opinions on the proposed changes. The Board of Directors is considering amendments and or clarifications to the following sections of the ARC Guidelines:
5.2.4- Acceptable roofing materials
5.2.5- Unacceptable roofing materials
7.11- Wood burning fireplaces
7.11.1- Gas fire pits
The Board of Directors is also considering reducing the Clubhouse Rental Fees for resident use and Deposits for regular use of the facility. The current fee structure and proposed fee structure are listed below. There will not be any changes to the Rental fees and deposits for Commercial Use/Personal Financial Gain applications.
Regular Use of Great Room & Kitchen (Mon – Thurs)
$300.00 -Current Fees
$300.00 -Proposed Fees
Regular Use of Great Room & Kitchen (Fri – Sun)
$500.00 -Current Fees
$400.00 -Proposed Fees
Regular Use Activity Room
$100.00 -Current Fees
$75.00 -Proposed Fees
Regular Use Board Room
$100.00 -Current Fees
$75.00 -Proposed Fees
Activity Room & Board Room Deposit
$1,000.00 -Current Fees
$500.00 -Proposed Fees
Great Room & Kitchen Deposit
$2,000.00 -Current Fees
$1,000.00 -Proposed Fees
The Board of Directors is considering amendments to the following sections. Please note all underlined or highlighted items are additions. Any other changes have been shown with corrections/deletions below.
5.2.4 All roofing material shall be one of the following: flat concrete tile, Cementous composite tile, flat clay tile, slate, Resin composite tiles, synthetic roofing shakes, asphalt composition (see section, or wood shake/wood shingle if permitted by the City of Newport Beach. Barrel tile, metal roofs (except as set forth in 5.2.5) and glazed colored tile are is NOT acceptable. All roof colors are subject to ARC approval and colors other than earth tones; such as brown and grey; are prohibited. Asphalt Composition Shingles have been approved with the following minimum requirements; a) Must be a high-definition profile shingle providing shadow effect, b) subject to the review and approval of the ARC.
5.2.5 Unacceptable roofing materials include:
- Crushed rock (except for small areas of flat roof)
- Built up roofing
- Asphalt shingles or shakes
- Composition roofing
- Plastic or fiberglass, flat or corrugated
- Canvas (except in the case of awnings)
- Aluminum shingles, corrugated aluminum or other metal roofing
- Mission (barrel) tile and “S” tile
- Glazed ceramic tile
- Standing seam metal is unacceptable except for small architectural elements such as covered entry porches, garages, accent shed roof elements, etc. without ARC approval. Typically, a maximum of 30% of the total roof area, subject to the discretion of the ARC. Painted metal roof materials are not permitted. Metal roofs must be factory painted.
7.11 Wood-burning fireplaces or fire pits are no longer allowed by City ordinance. Free-standing fireplaces and permanent barbecues shall be located sensitively in relation to neighboring homes and yards. Chimney height shall be in accord with City Code requirements. A City Building Permit is required. Free standing fireplaces located outside of the buildable area of a lot shall not exceed 9’ in height and must have a minimum rear yard and side yard setback of five feet (5’-0”) and are not permitted in the front yard setback area. However, fireplaces are permitted in the building envelope at the front of the home, and must be attached in some fashion, and orient the hearth opening to dwelling interior, exterior or both. All other applicable requirements as described herein are applied. Refer to Section 4.3.2 for minimum fireplace setback requirements for fireplaces designed to be part of an open arbor that is attached to the main structure.
7.11.1 Gas Fire Pits: Gas Fire pits are permitted with the following restrictions:
- Rear and Side Yards:
- Three feet (3’-0”) minimum setback to rear and side yard property lines.
- Maximum height thirty inches (30”).
- Front Yard:
- Fifteen foot (15’-0”) front yard setback from front yard property line / public sidewalk. Lesser setbacks are reviewed by the ARC on a case-by-case basis.
- 10’-0” Side Yard Setback from property lines.
- Maximum height is eighteen inches (18”) to the tabletop. This height does not include the height of fire balls, etc.
- Provide the following note on the plans: “Access to the gas/propane line must be covered with a locking device.”
- Materials & Colors: Must be compatible with the home and hardscape material, color and finishes. Provide specifications on the plans.
- Maximum Size: Maximum sizes of fire pits are 48” Wide x 74” Long x 18” High. The ARC will consider and has discretion to approve a slightly larger fire pit which shall not exceed 10% of the maximum size noted above. Taller/smaller fire pits may be considered. Fire pits that are twenty-four inches (24”) high may be approved if they do not exceed more than 600 square inches in volume or twenty-four inches (24”) wide.
- Fire pit must be located on a designated patio area.
- Fire pits in front yards cannot be used for grilling or cooking at any time.
A complete detailed description of all proposed changes to the above noted sections can be found on this document, on the association website at www.newporthillshoa.com or at the association’s designated posting location which is the Clubhouse bulletin board located at 1900 Port Carlow Place, Newport Beach.
Please review the proposed changes and provide any comments or questions in writing to the Board of Directors prior to March 21, 2025. A meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse, 1900 Port Carlow Place, Newport Beach, to review and answer the comments and questions submitted, and to adopt the proposed amendments.
All comments and/or questions must be in writing and may be submitted by mail to NHCA, 1900 Port Carlow Place, Newport Beach, CA 92660 OR by e-mail to jill@newporthills.occoxmail.com no later than March 21, 2025.
Should you have any questions regarding the meeting process please contact Management at (949) 721-1929, thank you.
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Effective January 1, 2025 the Association Assessment will increase to $1,720.00 annually, or $860.00 semi-annually which will become due on January 1, 2025 and July 1, 2025. Assessment invoices will be emailed to all owners on December 1, 2024.
2023 AUDIT
2023 Audit Cover Letter-
- contains 4041 Form updating address and contact info
2023 Audit for Home Owner Review
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Audit Cover Letter 2023.pdf Size : 126.684 Kb Type : pdf |
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2023 FINAL AUDIT.pdf Size : 555.124 Kb Type : pdf |
2025 Budget
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2025 NHCA Budget.PDF Size : 2785.191 Kb Type : PDF |
Patrolled by Assurance Patrol Services:
Assurance Guards and Patrol
24/7 Neighborhood Reporting Call: 1- 800- 416-1345
For Life Threatening Emergencies, please call 911.
For more information on protecting your home please contact the City of Newport Beach Crime Prevention Department at (949) 644-3717 or log on to www.nbpd.org and type in crime prevention.
Clubhouse address:
1900 Port Carlow Place, Newport Beach, Ca 92660